Monday, July 16, 2018

Saturday 7/14/18

Farmington to Murphysboro, Illinois

Getting up in the Farmington hostel we realized there was no coffee grounds. I had made a quick grocery stop and could have gotten some coffee. Even though we were at about the nicest hostel we had been at, we packed up for the gas station as we always do for breakfast. Sitting on the cement sidewalk with our stuff spread out rather than at the swell hostel because coffee is a deal breaker.

Leaving the hostel Wayne was coming by to check on us. He followed is over to Casey's and visited while we ate. He could see we had an established routine that was well practiced. It was going to be a  very hot day so we said our goodbyes as soon as we felt we could.

Leaving town I was about pushed off the road by a hay hauler. There was no passing due to curves. Rather than wait, the driver started to pass when unsafe to do so. The driver started to get back over but the trailer was still beside me. All of a sudden I had hay at my elbow and more coming my way. I was able to get over the rumble strip and on to a bit of narrow shoulder without being pushed over. It was a very brief bit of excitement. That is the problem we have been having when close to bigger communities, much more traffic but roads nor speed limits adjusted for the much increased traffic. Narrow to non existing shoulder for other users and too fast of traffic.

The ride to St. Marys was hilly and the weather sultry hot. We made a stop at the convenience store for more ice water.

The Mississippi River bridge was being repaired and one lane. I had to redo my rear packs due to the rough surface. More bungee cords were placed in service to better secure the load.

Getting on the Chester side there was a statue for the man that first drew Popey.

The Ozarks extend into Illinois so there were some challenging hills to be climbed. Coming into Murphsburo I asked a couple ladies questions about finding a restaurant and park for camping. They were very helpful and excited to be helping someone riding in the race, even if riding in the AARP division.

We made it to the Casey's convenience store, a big one where they even do the Subway style sandwiches. Life was getting real good. Eating outside we heard gradually louder rumbling. It was time to head to the park 4 blocks away. We just were getting close to the shelter building when it started coming down. It was a good call to have passed on the soft serve ice cream! We were soon bedded down under our dry shelter and fast asleep.

Days miles about 84.

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