Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Monday 7/2/18

Dighton to Rush Center

For my 62nd birthday the top of my list item was a tailwind all day. Did not happen!! More buffeting side wind limiting speed to about 8 MPH with considerable effort and concentration.

I think I was still tired from the stormy night at Tribune. I kept feeling dozy and just not into the cycling like I normally am. We did have a beautiful day overall and the scenery had become rolling grasslands.

We made it finally to Ness City where we needed to make a grocery store stop. The map showed little resources for the next 60 miles. We ran across a MS group of 22 riders raising funds for organization. Seemed like they were having an overall good time. Being a large group they had  many arrangements made in advance like being hosted by churches. On non riding days they were doing community service projects. Usually assisting those with MS  but they even pitched in cleaning up the community of Eureka from a tornado.

We got our groceries bought and back out onto the windy highway. Being early evening the heat was a bit less but the way was persistent. At Alexander was a very nice roadside rest station like typical of the interstate. Camping was allowed but we did not think this was enough miles for the day.

Getting to Rush Center we found no services open and the camping rudementary.  Being late we took a quick appraisal of the small community and choose the entrance overhang of the senior center. After eating and a hose bath, we quickly settled into deep slumber.

About 66 windy miles for the day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Don! I notice that you’ve gone a bit off your route and seem to be stuck there. I hope everything is ok. Chris and I are thinking about you.
